Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Lucado insights

Here's some connection points for me from Max Lucado's Cure for the Common Life; Chaps 1-3.

· God is writing the story of my life in spite of my attempts to write my own.
· Don’t worry about skills you don’t have, “Kindle afresh the gift of God which is in you …” 2 Tim. 1.6
· Heaven’s calendar has seven Sundays a week. God sanctifies each day.
· I was born pre-packed. Don’t live out of someone else’ bag. Church leaders assign luggage from the pulpit (and we shouldn’t)
· William Wordsworth “The child is the father of the man.”

If you don't understand that last quote, ask me.



Anonymous said...

praying that God will meet you and minister his powerful presence in your life these days and always.

Abbey Grace. said...

Hello Pastor Kyle! This is Abbey Howe. What does Wordsworth mean by that quote?

Also, I am very sorry about your dad. We are keeping you in our prayers.