Tuesday, December 18, 2007

Home for Christmas

As a kid, I always skipped over the genealogies in the Bible (to be honest sometimes I still do – admit it, you do too). But lately I’ve been thinking about their importance.

In Bible times it was their scrapbook, their photo album. It was a way of saying you belong in the family. Perhaps that’s why the book of Ruth ends with a genealogy (looking forward) and the book of Matthew starts with one (looking back). That Ruth, an outsider and enemy of Israel, would be included in both gives me great hope.

I heard the true story this week of a little girl around age 4 or 5 who was adopted into a rather large family. As she began settling into her new surroundings, she often went to the wall in the house where photographs of all the other family members were on display. She would stand there for long periods of time, silently studying each face. About a month after the girl arrived, her new mother took her to a photographer. The mother noted that she wasn’t sure this little one understood the significance of that outing until days later when she came in from playing and her mother sent her to look at the wall. When the little girl saw her own picture hanging on the wall with the rest of the family, she laughed and sobbed at the same time.

That Ruth was included in the genealogy was God’s way of saying, “You’re a part of the family.” No matter where the holidays take you, I hope you find yourself “home for Christmas.” I hope you experience what it means to be at home with God. To see your photo in His album. To know your picture is on the wall in His hallway.

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