Tuesday, December 11, 2007

Why Rahab?

Is anyone else surprised that God chose Rahab as one of the premier examples of faith in the New Testament (see Matt 1:5; Heb. 11:31; James 2:25)? I mean, when we first meet her she is described as a prostitute.

What I love about Rahab’s story in Joshua 2 is that even though she had very little information about the true God – just the little she could gather from the gossip around town – she responded in faith to the light she was given.

I was up on a ladder the other day when my little nephew wanted to do what every boy his age wants to do. “Can I climb the ladder, Uncle Dougie?”

“Sure,” I said, “as long as I’m here to watch you.” Climbing up the ladder was no problem. It never is. Climbing down, backwards, that was the problem. No longer able to see where to place his foot, the steps seemed long and uncertain. It felt, to him, as if he were stepping off a cliff.

As he would lower his foot, I would steady the bottom of his sole and encourage him saying, “Just a little further.” Each step got easier.

When we first come to faith, like Rahab, God often finds us in wobbly, precarious places. And the spiritual journey back to Him is often made up of short, awkward steps; backing out of the places we find ourselves.

But as we respond to God’s voice and touch, it gets easier. Little by little, one step at a time, into the arms of God.

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