Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Is love enough?

Dear friends, let us love one another, for love comes from God. 1John 4:7

John, who penned the words above, is sometimes called the Apostle of Love; so prominent is love in his writing.

What is amazing though is that John wouldn't have always been characterized that way. If you read about him when he was a young disciple of Jesus, he was hot-tempered and fiery. On one occasion, John suggested that Jesus call fire down from heaven and burn up an entire Samaritan village just for being rude. No wonder Jesus nicknamed John "the Son of Thunder."

But over time, God slowly molded John into a man of love. In fact, there is a legend, although it can't be verified for certain, that on John's deathbed, people gathered around him and begged for one last word. After all, he was the last living apostle.

The legend says that he breathed these words, "Love one another."

"Is there more?" they asked.

"That is enough," John replied.

As we prepare to celebrate the birth of Jesus, we can get distracted in so many ways. As we honor God's most tangible expression of love, may He shape us into people who reflect His love in growing measures every day. That is enough.

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