Thursday, July 26, 2007

Pacific Coast Highway Beach Bus Tour

Last week we spent a couple days as a family in our 71 VW bus. We called it our PCH Summer Bus Beach tour as we hit the beaches in San Diego and Orange Counties. When was the last time the biggest decision you had to make was, "What beach should we go to now?" Or "Where can we get some beach burgers or chocolate shakes?"

Now I'm back to a more complicated life -- planning my preaching series for the next year. Turns out my first message series will be on "Simplify". And with that in mind, here's a couple photos of our trip:

Wednesday, July 18, 2007

New Old Heights

Sorry I've been absent from my blog for a bit. We've been on vacation.

Last week my oldest son, Chris, climbed Half Dome in Yosemite for the first time. I've climbed Half Dome three times. All of those treks were before my kids were born. It's weird how life spirals; to see him follow in my footsteps while at the same time knowing his stride and strength easily outpace me.
Well, that was certainly a highlight for me. Maybe I'll tell you about the bears later...