Friday, March 2, 2007

Fully Engaged Believers

It was a very strange and exciting period of my life. It was the only time that words like flatware and stemware frequently rolled off my lips. I referred to the woman of my dreams not with an English word like friend, girlfriend, or wife; but rather with the French term, fiancĂ©. Of course, I’m talking about being engaged.

And from the moment on something happened. All of a sudden there was one central focus: our wedding day. Every plan was made, every action pursued, in light of this future event. It was as if there was a countdown clock in our heads. We were living with a date on the calendar.

And while for most people who are or have been married the time of engagement is relatively short, still it becomes the perfect analogy for all of our lives. Here’s what I mean. As I read Revelation, it seems that one of the very first events on the schedule when get to Heaven is a wedding reception. The Bible calls it the Wedding Supper of the Lamb.

Revelation 19.7 says, Let us rejoice and be glad and give him glory! For the wedding of the Lamb has come, and his bride has made herself ready.

So, if in heaven we celebrate our relationship with Jesus through a wedding, it means that right now, as believers, we are engaged. (It doesn’t matter if you are married or single, from heaven’s perspective you are engaged). And if we, as God’s people, are engaged to His Son, then the purpose of this time on earth is for us is to get ready for our forever relationship with Him. Notice again the words in Rev. 19.7, his bride has made herself ready. WE NEED AN ENGAGED MINDSET.

Let me suggest 4 things you could do to get ready.

· Say “Yes,” to Jesus’ proposal. He’s asked you to make a forever after commitment to Him.
· Be captivated by your relationship with Him. Make every decision with that future date in mind.
· Don’t flirt with the world. How tragic to get to heaven and realize we had misplaced our heart, passions, and affections in this life.
· Watch for His arrival. Someday the Groom will come that we might live forever with Him.

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