… “chosen according to the foreknowledge of God the Father, through the sanctifying work of the Spirit, for obedience to Jesus Christ and sprinkling by his blood” … 1 Peter 1:2
Notice each member of the Trinity is referenced:
• “the foreknowledge of God the Father” -- God the Father as the One who created us and knows us.
• “the sanctifying work of the Spirit” -- God the Spirit as the One who sanctifies and empowers us.
• “Jesus Christ and sprinkling by his blood” -- God the Son as the One who died for us and redeems us.
Think of it this way. One day a guy was eating his sack lunch on a park bench across street from a beautiful mansion. During that hour, he overheard three different men claiming that mansion was theirs. It turned out, each was telling the truth. The first man was the architect - the one who designed the house. The second was the owner - the one who bought it. The third was the tenant - the one who lived in the house and cared for it.
The Triune God has each of these roles in your life as well. God the Father created you and knows you inside out. Jesus bought you with His precious blood. And the Holy Spirit resides in you, empowering you to live according to the way you were designed and redeemed. God is with us every step of the way.